CAA (Professionals) — Tree transplanting articles in China Penjing Journal (中國盆景月刋裡的 “樹木移植” 文章)


國內和台灣的朋友, 請查閱  或 “臉書” Facebook (帳號是 “中華樹藝師學會”) 以取得其他文章。  本會的已發表文章都已放棄版權, 任何人可以自由轉載作為教育目的, 但不能作為商業目的盈利。  任何人都可以申請加入本會, 會費全免, 會員名單從不公開。  有意者請將真實姓名、年齡、單位、職銜、最高學歷、電郵地址、和手機號, 電郵到 或傳真到+ 852-2679-5338 等待處理。  本會所發表的一切內容, 謹供參考, 並不接受任何責任, 敬請留意。




本會非常感謝 “中國盆景賞石” 月刋,誠意的創造了一個 “養護與管理” 的固定欄目,給本會刋登有關樹藝知識的技術文章,與其國內廣大讀者分享。  已刋出的文章已有四期,詳情可看附件,以後的其他文章將會陸續有來。


“中國盆景賞石” 月刋是歸屬 “中國林業出版社” , 讀者的組成也是全國性。  這月刋的目標人員以興趣者為多,做生意的佔少部份。  本會一向發出的科普文章都以研究和事實作為依歸,寫法創新,風格獨特,別樹一格,對本行完全沒有認識的行外人仕,令其能接受和作出共鳴,這也可能是本會文章十年來在國內不斷被翻版覆制,到處流傳的原因。


其實,本會所有已發表的文章都已放棄了版權,只要是作為教育目的,而不是買賣盈利,誰人都可以隨便使用。  本會也是目前大中華地區發表中文樹藝文章最多和最深入的機構,新的文章也陸續有來。


樹藝知識不是從石頭裡面爆出來的,是已存在講英語的地區百多年。  如果只採用英語去傳遞知識,恐怕除了香港以外,整個大中華地區都是走不通。  試問本行從業員在本地區的六百多個城市裡面,能看懂英語技術文章的有多少人?  光用英語能否走得通?  還是只照顧博士研究生?  那這是樹藝行業應該發展的方向嗎?






中華樹藝師學會  會長 (




ASCA 美洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號 RCA#497 (

IACA 澳洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號 ACM 0412011 (

ISA 資深樹藝師/註冊攀樹師號 HK-0174BT (

ISA HK/China 執業樹藝師號 IPA-010908 (

ISA 認證“樹木風險評估員” ( )

SCMN 專業調解及談判學會註冊調解員號 CM-0044 (


“如果樹木在設計和種植時犯錯,其護養必然昂貴,而最終也會變成"不定時炸彈" 。 ”


“速成出來的樹木評估員, 只能作出低質量的猜測。 大自然會決定成敗。 ”




国内和台湾的朋友请查阅  或 “脸书” Facebook (帐号是“中华树艺师学会”以取得其他文章。  本会的已发表文章都已放弃版权任何人可以自由转载作为教育目的但不能作为商业目的盈利。  任何人都可以申请加入本会会费全免会员名单从不公开。  有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮地址、和手机号电邮到 , 或传真到 +852-2679-5338 等待处理。  本会所发表的一切内容谨供参考并不接受任何责任敬请留意。




本会非常感谢 “中国盆景赏石” 月刋,诚意的创造了一个 “养护与管理” 的固定栏目,给本会刋登有关树艺知识的技术文章,与其国内广大读者分享。  已刋出的文章已有四期,详情可看附件,以後的其他文章将会陆续有来。


“中国盆景赏石” 月刋是归属 “中国林业出版社” , 读者的组成也是全国性。  这月刋的目标人员以兴趣者为多,做生意的占少部份。  本会一向发出的科普文章都以研究和事实作为依归,写法创新,风格独特,别树一格,对本行完全没有认识的行外人仕,令其能接受和作出共鸣,这也可能是本会文章十年来在国内不断被翻版覆制,到处流传的原因。


其实,本会所有已发表的文章都已放弃了版权,只要是作为教育目的,而不是买卖盈利,谁人都可以随便使用。  本会也是目前大中华地区发表中文树艺文章最多和最深入的机构,新的文章也陆续有来。


树艺知识不是从石头里面爆出来的,是已存在讲英语的地区百多年。  如果只采用英语去传递知识,恐怕除了香港以外,整个大中华地区都是走不通。  试问本行从业员在本地区的六百多个城市里面,能看懂英语技术文章的有多少人?  光用英语能否走得通?  还是只照顾博士研究生?  那这是树艺行业应该发展的方向吗?






中华树艺师学会  会长 (




ASCA美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (

IACA澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (

ISA资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (

ISA认证 “樹木风险评估员” (

ISA HK/CHINA执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (

SCMN专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (



“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹  


“速成出来的树木评估员只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”




*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated.  For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained, & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas.  Anyone can join us by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to .  Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice.  Station Membership is never publicly disclosed.  Please also check our new website of for other good information, or in Facebook (at ‘China Arborist Association’), although images are sometimes not attached due to size.  All our information is given for reference only without any commitment or liabilities. ***


Dear Station Members,


Attached are the four part series of a Tree Transplanting article in Mandarin, published since last October in the China Penjing Journal across China.  CAA now produces more arboricultural education in Chinese than any other organization in the China Region.  In a way in China nowadays, arboriculture means CAA, & CAA means arboriculture, due to our hard work in the past 10 years.  What goes in first would stay hard in this Land of the Old Dragon.


CAA articles are also the one heavily pirated all across China, by national & local journals & magazines.  We accept this with our blessings, as this is good for the tree industry in levels high & low.  Modern Arboriculture has not really started in China, & we need to write in a manner understandable to the laymen, without sacrificing international standards & practices.  This is indeed taking great skills.


Another fact is that nearly all the tree practitioners do not speak English in the China Region including Taiwan.  Providing knowledge in strict western language & terms might benefit only the academics, but not the hands-on practitioners.  Most frequently it is the practitioners who drive the industry forward, not the academics in our territory anyway.  Maybe they have different priorities.


CAA at present provides the trusted bridge for China to connect with the world in Modern Arboriculture.  We speak the local languages, & a lot of our Committee Members are practitioners themselves.  We can speak in a common language with our brothers & sisters all across our territory.  This is giving us the advantages that outsiders do not have.


CAA will continue to provide appropriate education in tree care in the China Region with our limited resources & efforts.  Rome was not built in a day anyway.   We shall work hard.


Best regards,


Sammy Au


Founding President (Station Manager) of China Arborist Association (

ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (

IACA Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (

ISA HK/China Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (

SCMN Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (


"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct.”


"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment.   Mother Nature makes the rules."