CAA (Professionals) — Tree Conservation in Construction Sites article in Mandarin (國內的 “工地樹木保護” 報導)

國內和台灣的朋友, 請查閱  或 “臉書” Facebook (帳號是 “中華樹藝師學會”) 以取得其他文章。  本會的已發表文章都已放棄版權, 任何人可以自由轉載作為教育目的, 但不能作為商業目的盈利。  任何人都可以申請加入本會, 會費全免, 會員名單從不公開。  有意者請將真實姓名、年齡、單位、職銜、最高學歷、電郵地址、和手機號, 電郵到 , 或傳真到+ 852-2679-5338 等待處理。  本會所發表的一切內容, 謹供參考, 並不接受任何責任, 敬請留意。




附上的是不久以前在國內唯一的園林報紙,中國花卉報” 裡面刋出的有關工地樹木保護的報導。  本會非常感謝 “中國花卉報” 能夠騰出空間,去讓全國讀者能夠分享到工地保護樹木的國際信息。


在現今的大中華地區裡,樹木在發展項目當中,往往成為了無辜的犠牲者。  發展商普遍感覺如果項目裡有大樹老樹存在,是一件非常討厭的事。  發展商一邊希望降低成本,另一邊又怕隨便殺樹會觸怒民眾,通常唯有借用以下兩種手法來解決問題:


  1. 1.  砍樹是合法的,已有所謂 “專業人仕” 的評審和通過當地政府的相關政策 (“樹木辦”?), 和已作出合理的 “責任承擔” , 可以昂步濶首的來向其進行 (香港和大陸?)


  1. 2.  把大樹老樹搬家,是搬不是殺嘛, 搬後死掉是此樹苦命,與人無悠 (台灣?)


講來講去,人是不可能會錯, 要錯的都是其他; 樹木完蛋是大自然不配合而矣 .....


如果樹木也能站在法院裡面去打官司,又如果當地的法律是真正公正廉明的,樹木的一方不一定會就此輸掉,坐以待斃。  在庭上,樹木可以問發展商,你憑甚麼國際標準來砍我搬我,有否通過公開討論和同意?  你的工序符合國際做法嗎?  你的評估是誰做,又符合甚麼國際標準呢?  如果搬樹失敗,你會承擔甚麼符合國際做法的後果呢?


種好一棵大樹老樹可能要上百年,要把它砍掉可能是幾個小時的事。  當領導們拼命去追求 GDP 和超英趕美之時,有沒有想過能留給子孫後代的滔天樹木還能剩下多少? 






中華樹藝師學會  會長 (




ASCA 美洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號 RCA#497 (

IACA 澳洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號 ACM 0412011 (

ISA 資深樹藝師/註冊攀樹師號 HK-0174BT (

ISA HK/China 執業樹藝師號 IPA-010908 (

ISA 認證“樹木風險評估員” ( )

SCMN 專業調解及談判學會註冊調解員號 CM-0044 (


“如果樹木在設計和種植時犯錯,其護養必然昂貴,而最終也會變成"不定時炸彈" 。 ”


“速成出來的樹木評估員, 只能作出低質量的猜測。 大自然會決定成敗。 ”




国内和台湾的朋友, 请查阅  或 “脸书” Facebook (帐号是“中华树艺师学会”) 以取得其他文章。  本会的已发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。  任何人都可以申请加入本会, 会费全免, 会员名单从不公开。  有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮地址、和手机号, 电邮到 , 或传真到 +852-2679-5338 等待处理。  本会所发表的一切内容, 谨供参考, 并不接受任何责任, 敬请留意。




附上的是不久以前在国内唯一的园林报纸,中国花卉报” 里面刋出的有关工地树木保护的报导。  本会非常感谢中国花卉报” 能够腾出空间,去让全国读者能够分享到工地保护树木的国际信息。


在现今的大中华地区里,树木在发展项目当中,往往成为了无辜的犠牲者。  发展商普遍感觉如果项目里有大树老树存在, 是一件非常讨厌的事。  发展商一边希望降低成本,另一边又怕随便杀树会触怒民众,通常唯有借用以下两种手法来解决问题:


1. 砍树是合法的,已有所谓专业人仕” 的评审和通过当地政府的相关政策 (“树木办”?),和已作出合理的责任承担” , 可以昂步濶首的来向其进行 (香港和大陆?)


2. 把大树老树搬家,是搬不是杀嘛,搬後死掉是此树苦命,与人无悠 (台湾?)


讲来讲去,人是不可能会错,要错的都是其他;树木完蛋是大自然不配合而矣 ......


如果树木也能站在法院里面去打官司,又如果当地的法律是真正公正廉明的,树木的一方不一定会就此输掉,坐以待毙。  在庭上,树木可以问发展商,你凭甚麽国际标準来砍我搬我,有否通过公开讨论和同意?  你的工序符合国际做法吗?  你的评估是谁做,又符合甚麽国际标準呢?  如果搬树失败,你会承担甚麽符合国际做法的後果呢?


种好一棵大树老树可能要上百年,要把它砍掉可能是几个小时的事。  当领导们拼命去追求 GDP 和超英赶美之时, 有没有想过能留给子孙後代的滔天树木还能剩下多少? 






中华树艺师学会  会长 (




ASCA美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497 (

IACA澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (

ISA资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT (

ISA认证 “樹木风险评估员” (

ISA HK/CHINA执业树艺师号 IPA-010908 (

SCMN专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (



“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹"  


“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”




*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated.  For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained, & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas.  Anyone can join us by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to .  Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice.  Station Membership is never publicly disclosed.  Please also check our new website of for other good information, or in Facebook (at ‘China Arborist Association’), although images are sometimes not attached due to size.  All our information is given for reference only without any commitment or liabilities. ***


Dear Station Members,


Attached is a recent article published in Mandarin on “Tree Protection in Construction” by CAA in the only gardening & landscape newspaper in China, the China Gardening News (CGN) .  This article would be read by the millions, as CGN is a “Party Newspaper” in China, to reach every Landscape Bureau & Govt Dept dealing with trees.  CAA is very grateful to CGN for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to share our knowledge with our China brothers & sisters, as so in the past 20 years already.  This is making CAA very well known in the China proper.


By western standards, tree protection in construction in the China Region at large can be regarded as a sad joke.  Trees are mutilated at will, dried up by mistake, mechanically damaged out of convenience, & transplanted with topped crown & miniaturized rootballs to save cost.  If the tree would die afterwards, it is plain bad luck, & can be hardly ever the mistake of the developer or handler.


As the China Region is entering a development spree at present, catching up with GDP & upgrading city image, are far more important than protecting trees in any way.  Money is better spent to build more shinny structures, & hard surfaces are preferred for ease of maintenance.  Then what would that leave in the years to come to show our grandchildren?  Not a lot of people would care for that at present.


CAA is paying our efforts to tell the public in our territory that mature trees take years to grow, & they have many benefits.  They cannot be easily replaced, & cannot be manufactured.  Money & GDP can’t buy big trees.  Transplanting old trees is expensive if done properly, & is usually not the best option.


There are indeed far too many “professionals” of various disciplines happy to justify the removal of mature trees in the China Region right at this moment.  Many are well educated too.  Money spins the world around in our territory.


CAA are honest Arborists, & we speak the facts & truth.  It may not be pleasing, but good Arborists should not lose our Professionalism by money.  We are here to protect our valuable trees, & we insist on international practices.


May more would follow our course in our territory in time.


best regards,


Sammy Au


Founding President (Station Manager) of China Arborist Association (

ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (

IACA Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (

ISA HK/China Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (

SCMN Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (


"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "


"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment.   Mother Nature makes the rules."