CAA — Tree Seminar (Session 51 — “Modern Arboriculture of Dr. Alex Shigo session 13 " on Monday Oct 30, 2017 (樹木講座 第 51 節 — " Dr. Alex Shigo 的 ‘現代樹藝學’ 第 13 課 “, 在 2017年 10月30日 星期一 舉行)

國內和台灣的朋友, 請查閱 wwww.chinaarbor.com以取得其他文章。  本會的發表文章都已放棄版權, 任何人都可以自由轉載作為教育目的, 但不能作為商業目的盈利。  任何人可以免費申請加入本會, 會員名單從不公開, 有意者請將真實姓名、年齡、單位、職銜、最高學歷、電郵地址、和手機號, 電郵到 等待處理本會發表的一切內容謹供參考, 敬請留意。



本會已經把大部分通訊放在 Facebook 上面 ( ,報導從樹木時事評論到傳媒專訪都有,圖文並茂,歡迎各位前往參閱。 


每年一到秋季,林林總總的樹藝講座和會議都會在香港冒出來,又有本地又有洋人,非常熱鬧。  細看一下這些活動,本地的似乎以游樂環保為主,深入樹藝教育性的似乎欠奉;洋人的則大擺排場,名師熠熠,但每人只能給一個小時左右的演講,真正的知識傳授又有多少?  加上我們這邊會員的底子与國際水平尚有一段距離,給錢出席也許等如陪太子讀書,贊助他們大駕光臨的機票食宿吧。 


本會多年前已看透這些活動的不足之處,但當年乃是寄掛洋人組織名下,難以反對。  至今CAA獨立自主,有權去選擇好與壞,所以會員們可以看出本會活動与眾不同,不走馬跟風,不阿諛奉承,完全走自己該走的路,真正為本地的樹藝行業發展出力。 




13 課的內容以都市樹木地下部的情況為主,這方面也是本地區樹藝從業員較為辣手常見的一環,範圍包括 roots in rocks & foundation, root & energy distribution, roots injuries & response, roots infections, street tree planting, etc. 等等,全部都是樹藝實務上需要知道的知識。


樹藝知識勝在比較,而不貴於炫耀證照。  站在大樹面前,如果不懂得觀察、分析、判斷和處理問題,拿再多的 ‘證照’ 又有何用?  樹藝師的工作從樹木設計到庭上作證都有,靠的乃是知識和經驗,並非手持什麼證照。  本課程就是補充這等 ‘證照’ 不足的知識,也是目前全亞洲唯一的一家。


51 次的 "樹木講座" 的詳情如下:


題目: “現代樹藝學 - 13課”

語言: 講義用英語, 講解用廣州語,輔以英語

講者: 歐永森   

日期: 2017 10月 30日 星期一

地點: 九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道童軍徑童軍中心 9/F 901 室 ( , 2957 6388)

時間 : 7 pm 9 pm

人數 : 上限 40 (房間一般可多坐10人,如果尚有位置,臨時到來的會員可以在現場報名)

費用: 每人 HK$ 200 現金, 在抵步時投入錢袋,參加者必須簽到.


留位方法: 請發電郵至 留位。  本分會在集合到一定人數後, 會回覆留位號碼,先到先得,額滿即止。  會場座位並無編號,所有人仕自由入座。  在滿座後, 遲到人員將會和本會工作人員一樣, 全部站立聽講。

缺席罰則任何人在發給留位號碼後, 不作予早通知和不到場簽到者,將被罰不能參加下次講座,以示公允。  本分會將會保留簽到表以作下回檢視。


CEU:  是次講座,CA/CTW/BCMA/MA/RCA 將會申請 2 CEU  CEU 者必須清楚填上自我牌照號碼在 CEU 簽到表上面,否則無效。

參加資格 : 只限 CAA 會員参加, 並不公眾開放。  (任何人仕可以提供真實姓名、年齡、工作機構、職位、最高學歷、電郵地址和手機號到 , 即可免費申請入會。  本會目前年費全免,會員名單從不對外公開,會員總人數已超過 8,600 名,分佈在全球各地,按月增長。


講座內容 (由講者提供)

Modern Arboriculture Touch Treesof Dr. Alex Shigo, Shigo and Trees Associates, Third Printing, 1991, Chapter 293 - 303.

 Other reference materials:

  1. A New Tree Biology Dr. Alex Shigo, Shigo & Trees Associates, 2nd edition
  2. Tree Pruning A Worldwide Photo Guide Dr. Alex Shigo,  Shigo & Trees Associates
  3. A New Tree Biology Dictionary Dr. Alex Shigo,  Shigo & Trees Associates
  4.    Tree Anatomy Dr. Alex Shigo,  Shigo & Trees Associates
  5.    Advanced Tree Biology : Photosynthesis & Respiration Dr. Kim Coder, University of  Georgia, Warren School of Forestry & Natural Resources
  6. Advanced Tree Biology : Tree Anatomy Dr. Kim Coder, University of Georgia,  Warren School of Forestry & Natural Resources
  7.  Basic Tree Anatomy Mark Hartley, Arboriculture Australia
  8.  The CODIT Principle Implications for Best Practices Dujesiefken & Liese, ISA
  9.    Tree Biology Notebook Richard Murray,  Sherwin Dodge Printers
  10.   Wood Decay in Living & Dead Trees :  A Pictorial Review Shortle & Dudzik,   USDA Forestry Service


講者簡歷 (由講者提供)


ASCA 美洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號RCA#497

IACA 澳洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號ACM 0412011

CAS  英國顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師

ISA 資深樹藝師/註冊攀樹師號HK-0174BT

ISA 認可樹木風險評估員

ISA HK/China 執業樹藝師號IPA-010908



其他 :

  1. 由於版權關係, 講座現場嚴禁攝錄,違者將會被著令離開, 或 會被剝奪會籍!
  2. 如果遇見人力不可抗拒的情況發生, 本會有權更改是次講座的任何安排, 及無須作出解釋或負上任何責任。
  3. 本會保留舉辦是次講座的所有權利。
  4. 所有會員都在同意以上安排後, 才出席本會的任何講座或活動。
  5. 本會的講座內容並不對外公開, 以促進參加率。


,本會網站 存有大量樹藝行業資料, 敬請各屆前往参閱 本會在“臉書” (Facebook) 上的 “中華樹藝師公會”( ) 的戶口裡, 經常有最新信息發放,敬請留意。




中華樹藝師學會 (CAA)  會長


ASCA 美洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號RCA#497 (

IACA 澳洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號ACM 0412011 (

CAS  英國顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師 (

ISA 資深樹藝師/註冊攀樹師號HK-0174BT (

ISA 認可樹木風險評估員(

ISA HK/China 執業樹藝師號IPA-010908 (

SCMN香港專業調解及談判學會註冊調解員號CM-0044 (


“如果樹木在設計和種植時犯錯,其護養必然昂貴,而最終也會變成 "不定時炸彈" 。 ”

“速成出來的樹木評估員, 只能作出低質量的猜測。 大自然會決定成敗。 ”


*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated.  For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas.  Anyone can join the China Arborist Association by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to .  Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice.  Station Membership is never publicly disclosed.  Station Mail is usually given in & Facebook account of China Arborist Association at .  All our information is given for reference only without commitment or liabilities. ***


Dear Station Members,


CAA is proud to present our 51st session of Arboricultural Education to benefit our members.  It is on the textbook teaching of Dr. Alex Shigo on ‘Modern Arboriculture – Touch Trees’ Session 13.   This will be run in a series of 12 – 18 sessions, depending on progress.


“Modern Arboriculture’ Session 13 will be on roots in rocks & foundation, roots & energy distribution, roots injuries & response, roots infections, street tree planting,etc.  ‘Modern Arboriculture’ is not all about CODIT.  In fact, CODIT would occupy less than 5 % of the total contents.  The rest would be on everything from Wood Anatomy to Tree Biochemistry.


It is recommended that the attendees will bring along their own copy of " Modern Arboriculture - Touch Tree" as their textbook to the lecture.  This book can be obtained at ISA & other online sources.


In Session 51, the details are as follows:


Title:   “Modern Arboriculture – Touch Trees” of Dr. Alex Shigo,  Session 13

Language:  Power point in English, with mixed narration in Cantonese & English

Speaker:  Sammy Au

Date:  Monday, Oct 30, 2017

Venue:  Room 901, Scout Centre, Scout Lane, Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon ( , 2957 6388)

Time:  7 pm – 9 pm

Capacity:  40 persons maximum


Cost:  HK$ 200 per person, payable by cash upon arrival into the Drop Box. Candidates will initial their presence in the Attendance Sheet provided.

Booking Method:  Please reserve your seat by e-mailing to on a first come first served basis.  A booking number will be given upon successful entry.  There will be no seat assignment.  Anyone can sit anywhere available on a first come, first occupied basis.  If all seats are taken, the attendant will stand, just like all of the CAA Staff, in the Seminar.


Penalty:  Any person who has booked a seat but does not show up or inform us of the reason prior to the seminar, will not be allowed to attend the next session.  A sign-in sheet will be kept by CAA to monitor attendance.


CEU:  2 post-CEU for CA/CTW/MA/BCMA/RCA in this Seminar.  Please write down clearly your ISA Certification no. & initial on the CEU Sign-in Sheet provided at the seminar.  No CEU will be entertained if the Certification no. is not written down clearly & signed on the sign-in sheet.


Eligibility:  CAA Member only.  (Anyone can join us by providing full name, age, organization, position, highest education, e-mail & mobile no. to  anytime.  Station Membership is free & is never publicly disclosed to protect privacy.  CAA has by now 8,600+ Station Members from all walks of life spread across HK, Macau, Taiwan & China & overseas, & is continuously growing every month.)


Seminar Contents (provided by the Speaker):

Modern Arboriculture Touch Treesof Dr. Alex Shigo, Shigo and Trees Associates, Third Printing, 1991, Chapter 293 - 303.

 Other reference materials:

  1. A New Tree Biology – Dr. Alex Shigo, Shigo & Trees Associates, 2nd edition
  2. Tree Pruning A Worldwide Photo Guide – Dr. Alex Shigo,  Shigo & Trees Associates
  3. A New Tree Biology Dictionary – Dr. Alex Shigo,  Shigo & Trees Associates
  4. Tree Anatomy – Dr. Alex Shigo,  Shigo & Trees Associates
  5. Advanced Tree Biology Photosynthesis & Respiration – Dr. Kim Coder, University of Georgia, Warren School of Forestry & Natural Resources
  6. Advanced Tree Biology : Tree Anatomy – Dr. Kim Coder, University of Georgia, Warren School of Forestry & Natural Resources
  7. Basic Tree Anatomy – Mark Hartley, Arboriculture Australia
  8. The CODIT Principle Implications for Best Practices – Dujesiefken & Liese, ISA
  9. Tree Biology Notebook – Richard Murray,  Sherwin Dodge Printers
  10. Wood Decay in Living & Dead Trees :  A Pictorial Review – Shortle & Dudzik,   USDA Forestry Service


About the Speaker (provided by the Speaker):

Sammy Au

American Society of Consulting Arborist -  Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497

Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists - Accredited Member no. ACM0412011

UK Consulting Arborist Society - Professional Member

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified

Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908

Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators - Certified Mediator no. CM-0044


Other information: 

  1. Please note that recording of any kind is not allowed during the Seminar by copyright.  Offender will be asked to leave, & may have his/her Station Membership terminated.
  2. We reserve the right to change any details of the seminar in the event of unforeseen circumstances, as well as maintaining classroom discipline during the

seminar.  All Station Members have agreed to abide with these requirements before attendance.   Please note that all information of our Tree Seminar is not released publicly so as to encourage participation.


Looking forward to sharing our knowledge with you.


best regards,


Sammy Au

President of China Arborist Association (

ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (

IACA Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (

CAS Consulting Arborist Society Profession Member ( )

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (

Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (

Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (


"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "

"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment.   Mother Nature makes the rules."