CAA — Tree Seminar (Session 30 — “Arboriculture & the Law" on Thursday Feb 12, 2015 (樹木講座第 30 節 — “樹藝與法律", 在2015年2月12日星期四舉行)

國內和台灣的朋友, 請查閱 wwww.chinaarborcom 以取得其他文章。  本會的發表文章都已放棄版權, 任何人都可以自由轉載作為教育目的, 但不能作為商業目的盈利。  任何人可以免費申請加入本會, 會員名單從不公開, 有意者請將真實姓名、年齡、單位、職銜、最高學歷、電郵地址、和手機號, 電郵到, 或傳真到+ 852-2679-5338 等待處理.  本會發表的一切內容謹供參考, 敬請留意。


本會為上次的“樹木結構風力學” 講座取得超額參與完成,非常感謝會員們的支持,這也證明了正確的樹藝知識是受到廣大歡迎,真的是假不了吧。


本會的下一個講座,就是膾炙人口的 "樹藝與法律" 這個重要課題,也是為何樹藝行業在西方國家風行百多年的基礎,為何樹藝行業在西方社會那麼受到重視的原因。


很多人都不知道,在西方國家普通法的概念下,樹木設計不良可以告、樹木管理不善可以告、樹木檢查不當可以告、樹木亂修亂移可以告、樹木條例不妥善可以告。  在樹木工作方面,不遵循安全工序可以告、工傷意外可以告、設備不符可以告、工人行為不儉可以告。  如果發生樹木斷塌意外則更麻煩,除了樹木屬主和苦主以外,保險賠償往往牽涉在內,更有可能涉及勞動部門,最終的裁決可能又要跑到法院去解決。


在西方國家,樹藝官司的數量一向排在所有綠化官司之首,案例多得如天上星星。  如果有人以為樹藝行業只是隨便的在人前搖晃牌照、填填表格那麼簡單,以謂自己 專業了便掛上免死金牌,那肯定是愚人自弄,聰明笨伯而矣。


樹藝與法律息息相關,法院判案的時候,經常需要借用樹藝行業裡面的研究和標準,由雙方律師來演繹。  樹藝師,特別是 顧問樹藝師 ,往往被指定成為 專家證人 ,提供相關的行業規範來協助律師在庭上表演。 


這次講座也由歐永森會長來親自主持; 衆所周之,歐會長三十年來從未敗過一場樹木官司,絕對精彩。

由於講座時間只有兩個小時,內面涉及的知識水平也在 “資深樹藝師” 證照以上,講者需要把深奧的知識研究抽真塑簡,配合西方國家各種案例,把這個龐大而復雜的課題,盡量用最平民化的口語講出,讓一般的 “注冊樹藝師” 水平的人也能夠聽懂明白,不會浪費他們的時間和熱忱,這也就是本次講座的精華所在。


本會過去所有的講座和工作坊的 CEU 學分都已統統拿到,證明本會所辦的學術傳播絕對達到國際水平,從來不負眾望。


30 次的 "樹木講座" 的詳情如下:

題目: “樹藝與法律”- 簡介

語言: 講義用英語, 講解用廣州語,輔以英語

講者: 歐永森 會長

日期: 2015年 2月 12日 星期四

地點: 九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道童軍徑童軍中心 11/F 的 1109 室 ( , 2957 6388)

時間 : 7 pm – 9 pm

人數 : 上限 70

費用: 每人 HK$ 200 現金, 在抵步時投入錢袋,參加者必須簽到.

留位方法: 請發電郵至 留位。  本分會在集合到一定人數後, 會回覆留位號碼,先到先得,額滿即止。  會場座位並無編號,所有人仕自由入座。  在滿座後, 遲到人員將會和本會工作人員一樣, 全部站立聽講。

缺席罰則任何人在發給留位號碼後, 不作予早通知和不到場簽到者,將被罰不能參加下次講座,以示公允。  本分會將會保留簽到表以作下回檢視。

CEU:  是次講座,CA/CTW/BCMA/RCA 將會申請 2 個 CEU。  簽 CEU 者必須清楚填上自我牌照號碼在 CEU 簽到表上面,否則無效。

參加資格 : 只限 CAA 會員参加, 並不公眾開放。  (任何人仕可以提供真實姓名、年齡、工作機構、職位、最高學歷、電郵地址和手機號到 , 即可免費加入本會。  本會目前年費全免,會員名單從不對外公開。  本分會目前的注冊會員人數已超過 2,300名,分佈在全球各地,亦按月增長。

講座內容 (由講者提供):




  1. Duty of care & standard of care --- definitions & consequences for Arborists


  1. 2.     Negligence --- definitions, forms of negligence, ordinary, passive, per se, contributory, criminal, etc. with references to the Arborist Profession.


  1. 3.     Liabilities --- definitions, contingent, joint, primary, secondary, professional, vicarious, etc. with references to the Arborist Profession.


  1. 4.     Damages --- definitions, actual or compensatory, consequential, exemplary or punitive, criminal, etc. with references to the Arborist Profession.


  1. 5.     Third Party Actions --- definitions & case examples


  1. 6.     Conflicting Evidence --- trier of fact, case examples, Court attitudes, etc.


  1. 7.     Arboricultural Case Studies --- boundary trees, root upheaval, view obstruction, municipality & highway, rights of way, negligence, safety , etc.


  1. 8.     Conflicts Resolution --- technical differences & comparison of negotiation, mediation, arbitration, & Courtwith references to the Arborist Profession.


  1. 9.     Expert Witness --- definition & Court practices in HK, with references to the Arborist Profession.


講者在眾多的本地和海外講座中, 都喜歡用簡潔的語言, 去解釋高深的科學道理, 務求老少皆宜, 人人聽懂。

講者簡歷 (由講者提供):


亞洲地區首位和唯一元的 ASCA “美洲顧問樹藝師” 、 IACA “澳洲顧問樹藝師” 和 CAS “英國顧問樹藝師”

大中華地區首位 ISA“註冊樹藝師”、 亞洲首位 ISA“註冊攀樹師”、 亞洲首位 ISA“資深樹藝師”

30年的園林工作經驗, 和 20年的苗木生產經驗。



其他 :

1. 由於版權關係, 講座現場嚴禁攝錄,違者將會被著令離開, 或被剝奪會籍!

2. 如果遇見人力不可抗拒的情況發生, 本會有權更改是次講座的任何安排, 及無須作出解釋或負上任何責任。

3. 本會保留舉辦是次講座的所有權利。

4. 所有會員都在同意以上安排後, 才出席本會的任何講座或活動。

5. 本會的講座內容並不對外公開, 以促進參加率。

另, "中華樹藝師學會" 已成立用中國語言報考的各類型“樹藝師”(註冊、認可、執業、資深和顧問五個級別) 和“樹藝技師”(包含攀樹工作, 分成兩個級別) 證照, 以供兩岸四地中國同胞使用。  目前課程和考試均在準備中, 詳情會在短期內公佈, 敬請各屆留意!   本會網站 存有大量樹藝行業資料, 敬請各屆前往参閱 !  本會在“臉書” (Facebook) 上的“歐永森“ 和“中華樹藝師學會”的戶口裡, 接近每天都有最新信息發放,敬請留意。


中華樹藝師學會 (CAA)  會長


ASCA 美洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號RCA#497 (

IACA 澳洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號ACM 0412011 (

CAS  英國顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師 (

ISA 資深樹藝師/註冊攀樹師號HK-0174BT (

ISA 認可樹木風險評估員(

執業樹藝師號IPA-010908 (

香港專業調解及談判學會註冊調解員號CM-0044 (

“如果樹木在設計和種植時犯錯,其護養必然昂貴,而最終也會變成"不定時炸彈" 。 ”

“速成出來的樹木評估員, 只能作出低質量的猜測。 大自然會決定成敗。 ”


*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated.  For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas.  Anyone can join the China Arborist Association by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to .  Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice.  Station Membership is never publicly disclosed.  Please note that Station Mail is given in & Facebook account of China Arborist Association, although images are usually not attached due to size.  All our information is given for reference only without commitment or liabilities. ***

Dear Station Members,

CAA is providing our 30th session of Arboricultural education on “Arboriculture & the Law in Basics” with details as follows:

In Session 30, the details are as follows:

Title:  Arboriculture & the Law in Basics

Language:  Power point in English, but narration in Cantonese

Speakers:  Mr. Sammy Au

Date:  Thursday, 12 February 2015

Venue:  Room 1109, Scout Centre, Scout Lane, Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon ( , 2957 6388)

Time:  7 pm – 9 pm

Capacity:  70 persons only

Cost:  HK$200 per person, payable by cash upon arrival into the Drop Box. Candidates will initial their presence in the Attendance Sheet provided.

Booking Method:  Please reserve your seat by e-mailing to on a first come first served basis.  A booking number will be given upon successful entry.  There will be no seat assignment.  Anyone can sit anywhere available on a first come, first occupied basis.  If all seats are taken, the attendant will stand, just like all of the CAA Staff, in the Seminar.

Penalty:  Any person who has booked a seat but does not show up or inform us of the reason prior to the seminar, will not be allowed to attend the next session.  A sign-in sheet will be kept by CAA to monitor attendance.

CEU:  2 post-CEU for CA/CTW/BCMA(s) in this Seminar.  Please write down clearly your ISA Certification no. & initial on the CEU Sign-in Sheet provided at the seminar.  No CEU will be entertained if the Certification no. is not written down clearly & signed on the sign-in sheet.

Eligibility:  CAA Member only.  (Anyone can join us by providing full name, age, organization, position, highest education, e-mail & mobile no. to  anytime.  Station Membership is free & is never publicly disclosed to protect privacy.  CAA has by now 2,300+ Station Members from all walks of life spread across HK, Macau, Taiwan & China & elsewhere, & is continuously growing month by month.)

Seminar Contents (provided by the Speaker):


  1. Duty of care & standard of care --- definitions & consequences for Arborists


  1. 2.     Negligence --- definitions, forms of negligence, ordinary, passive, per se, contributory, criminal, etc. with references to the Arborist Profession.


  1. 3.     Liabilities --- definitions, contingent, joint, primary, secondary, professional, vicarious, etc. with references to the Arborist Profession.


  1. 4.     Damages --- definitions, actual or compensatory, consequential, exemplary or punitive, criminal, etc. with references to the Arborist Profession.


  1. 5.     Third Party Actions --- definitions & case examples


  1. 6.     Conflicting Evidence --- trier of fact, case examples, Court attitudes, etc.


  1. 7.     Arboricultural Case Studies --- boundary trees, root upheaval, view obstruction, municipality & highway, rights of way, negligence, safety , etc.


  1. 8.     Conflicts Resolution --- technical differences & comparison of negotiation, mediation, arbitration, & Courtwith references to the Arborist Profession.


  1. 9.     Expert Witness --- definition & Court practices in HK, with references to the Arborist Profession.


About the Speaker (provided by the Speaker):

Mr. Sammy Au

First Certified Arborist in the China Region

First Certified Tree Worker in Asia

First Board Certified Master Arborist in Asia

First & only Registered Consulting Arborist of the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA) in Asia

First Accredited Member of the Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists (IACA) in Asia

30 years of landscaping experience, & 20 years of tree nursery production experience

Certified Mediator & Negotiator

Expert Witness for Arboricultural Work in HK Courts

Other information:

1.  Please note that recording of any kind is not allowed during the Seminar by copyright.  Offender will be asked to leave, & may have his/her Station Membership terminated.

2.  We reserve the right to change any details of the seminar in the event of unforeseen circumstances, as well as maintaining classroom discipline during the

seminar.  All Station Members have agreed to abide with these requirements before attendance.   Please note that all information of our Tree Seminar is not released publicly so as to encourage participation.

Looking forward to sharing our knowledge with you.

best regards,

Sammy Au

President of China Arborist Association (

ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (

IACA Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (

CAS Consulting Arborist Society Profession Member ( )

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (

Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (

Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (

"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "

"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment. Mother Nature makes the rules."
