CAA (Professional) — Latest Pruning Guide from Taichung City Govt (台中市最新樹木修剪指引)

國內和台灣的朋友, 請查閱  或 “臉書” Facebook (帳號是 “中華樹藝師學會”) 以取得其他文章。  本會的已發表文章都已放棄版權, 任何人可以自由轉載作為教育目的, 但不能作為商業目的盈利。  任何人都可以申請加入本會, 會費全免, 會員名單從不公開。  有意者請將真實姓名、年齡、單位、職銜、最高學歷、電郵地址、和手機號, 電郵到 , 或傳真到+ 852-2679-5338 等待處理。  本會所發表的一切內容, 謹供參考, 並不接受任何責任, 敬請留意。
台中市政府最近發放了 “行道樹修剪標準作業規範”,可從以下的超連結取到:
據聞這本著作是用了兩年時間才寫起,裡面也用了不少現在國際樹藝行業通用的修剪理論和做法匯聚而成。使用的參考文獻,例如 Shigo, Mattheck 和Schwarze 的研究等等,也是國際樹藝行業能耳熟能詳,与國際現行樹藝知識相當接軌。
在文章裡面,也罕有的列出 ‘截頂修剪法’ 的劣病,和修剪切口不採用塗料的原因,也介紹了幾種常用修剪切法和背後的理論基礎。此外,也提出了修剪時期和工序安全,也建議了如何建訂修剪計劃。
在實務操作上,任何的樹木修剪理論,最終還要配合現場的工作進行才能成事。高大的喬木修剪,往往要配合攀樹用锯、油鋸溜纜等等的實務技術才能做到,否則一大套的理論和標準,只會變成望樹嗟嘆、紙上談兵而矣。目前大中華地區空談樹木修剪的人不少,但能同時做到所提出的理論效果也很少,很多都是講完掉頭就走,然後說工人做不到 ! 國際上的樹木修剪,要求每一刀都應該能夠解釋到位,而不是把持 ‘老子是專家,所以老子說了算’ 這種自欺欺人的態度。
中華樹藝師學會  會長 (      
ASCA 美洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號 RCA#497 (
IACA 澳洲顧問樹藝師學會顧問樹藝師號 ACM 0412011 (
ISA 資深樹藝師/註冊攀樹師號 HK-0174BT (
ISA HK/China 執業樹藝師號 IPA-010908 (
ISA 認證“樹木風險評估員” ( )
SCMN 專業調解及談判學會註冊調解員號 CM-0044 (
“如果樹木在設計和種植時犯錯,其護養必然昂貴,而最終也會變成"不定時炸彈" 。 ”
“速成出來的樹木評估員, 只能作出低質量的猜測。 大自然會決定成敗。 ”
国内和台湾的朋友, 请查阅  或 “脸书” Facebook (帐号是“中华树艺师学会”) 以取得其他文章。  本会的已发表文章都已放弃版权, 任何人可以自由转载作为教育目的, 但不能作为商业目的盈利。  任何人都可以申请加入本会, 会费全免, 会员名单从不公开。  有意者请将真实姓名、年龄、单位、职衔、最高学历、电邮地址、和手机号, 电邮到 , 或传真到 +852-2679-5338 等待处理。  本会所发表的一切内容, 谨供参考, 并不接受任何责任, 敬请留意。
台中市政府最近发放了 “行道树修剪标準作业规範”,可从以下的超连结取到:
据闻这本著作是用了两年时间才写起,里面也用了不少现在国际树艺行业通用的修剪理论和做法汇聚而成。使用的参考文献,例如 Shigo, Mattheck 和Schwarze 的研究等等,也是国际树艺行业能耳熟能详,与国际现行树艺知识相当接轨。
在文章里面,也罕有的列出 ‘截顶修剪法’ 的劣病,和修剪切口不采用塗料的原因,也介绍了几种常用修剪切法和背後的理论基础。此外,也提出了修剪时期和工序安全,也建议了如何建订修剪计划。
在实务操作上,任何的树木修剪理论,最终还要配合现场的工作进行才能成事。高大的乔木修剪,往往要配合攀树用锯、油锯溜缆等等的实务技术才能做到,否则一大套的理论和标準,只会变成望树嗟叹、纸上谈兵而矣。目前大中华地区空谈树木修剪的人不少,但能同时做到所提出的理论效果也很少,很多都是讲完掉头就走,然後说工人做不到 ! 国际上的树木修剪,要求每一刀都应该能够解释到位,而不是把持 ‘老子是专家,所以老子说了算’ 这种自欺欺人的态度。
中华树艺师学会  会长 (

ASCA美洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 RCA#497(

IACA澳洲顾问树艺师学会 顾问树艺师号 ACM 0412011 (
ISA资深树艺师/注册攀树师号 HK-0174BT(
ISA认证 “樹木风险评估员 (
ISA HK/CHINA执业树艺师号 IPA-010908(
SCMN专业调解及谈判学会 注册调解员号 CM-0044 (

“如果树木在设计和种植时犯错,其护养必然昂贵,而最终也会变成 "不定时炸弹" 。  ”
“速成出来的树木评估员, 只能作出低质量的猜測。 大自然会决定成败。 ”
*** Our weekly Station Mail is for the information of Station Members only, but Station Mail has given up copyright & can be freely circulated.  For administrative reasons, comments from outsiders are usually not entertained, & may be circulated within our system locally & overseas.  Anyone can join us by providing their full name, age, organization, position, highest education, email & mobile no. to .  Joining is free & withdrawal is at an email notice.  Station Membership is never publicly disclosed.  Please also check our new website of for other good information, or in Facebook (at ‘China Arborist Association’), although images are sometimes not attached due to size.  All our information is given for reference only without any commitment or liabilities. ***
Dear Station Members,
The Taichung City Govt has recently issued a Roadside Tree Pruning Guide in Mandarin as follows: 
which can be downloaded from internet for public use.  CAA has studied this Pruning guide, & has found it a good source information in Chinese for the use of the tree workers in the China region. 
The Pruning Guide has carefully explained the objectives of pruning, the pruning time, the pruning biology & the pruning methods.  If compared to western literature, this Guide may lack detailed information in certain areas.  However, the knowledge within is following international research & the work of prominent scholars like Shigo, Mattheck & Schwarze are quoted.  CODIT & Structural Pruning are mentioned.  Examples & Illustrations are given.  In a place where Topping is written in horticultural textbooks, this Pruning guide appeared to be something from outer space to compare with the traditional practices.
Since this Pruning Guide is now online, very soon the rest of the China Region will acknowledge, & may copy.  Internet is nowadays widely used in the China Region.  This information may spread.
Although the proper procedures are now written out, Tree Pruning is now something that can follow strictly by the book.  The structure & health of every tree is different, & the actual work requires more than a scholar on site to perform.  Machines cannot reach the interior of the complex branches in a tree & the use of chainsaw is require dot cut thicker branches.  Rigging is use to lower heavy limbs where drop cut is not possible.  There are still much to learn beside the theories of pruning, to actually perform it on site.
Anyhow, having a Govt Guideline as a public guide for tree work in our territory is a good start, in a place where where horticulture, landscape design & arboriculture are confused as the same.  May this kind of good work can continue in the China Region, to benefit our tree planting in time.
best regards,
Sammy Au
Founding President (Station Manager) of China Arborist Association (
ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist no. RCA#497 (

IACA Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists Accredited Member no. ACM 0412011 (
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist / Certified Tree Worker no. HK-0174BT (
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (
ISA HK/China Independent Practicing Arborist no. IPA-010908 (
SCMN Certified Mediator no. CM-0044 (
"Providing treatment without in-depth diagnosis & research support is professional misconduct. "
"Casual tree assessor delivers wanton tree assessment.   Mother Nature makes the rules."